Here are a few reasons why you can trust us:
Our website strictly features photos of our dogs and puppies, guaranteed.
We commit to never selling puppies to pet stores or brokers. We exclusively work with families who are adopting our puppies.
We raise our puppies indoors, providing them with specific whelping and nursery areas. They venture outside only when vaccinations and weather conditions allow.
All medical care for our puppies is administered by our dedicated team of veterinarians. Vaccinations, dewclaw removal, and deworming are carried out either at our premises or in their clinics by their trained staff.
Our breeding is purposeful, focusing on producing puppies for roles such as therapy, service, or family companionship. Their temperament is tailored for human interaction and companionship.
We pay attention to the temperament testing results of each puppy, ensuring the right match with its future family.
Our adult dogs are treated as integral members of our family, residing indoors with us and actively participating in our daily routines. They are not kept in separate facilities or treated as livestock.
We promise to treat every family with respect and kindness, understanding that they may choose to find a puppy elsewhere. We respect their decision as customers.
We are committed to providing honest information about the temperament, health, and upbringing of our puppies, even if it may not always align with your expectations. Our priority is the well-being of our puppies and their future families.
Your future puppy will be cherished as a part of our family, receiving daily cuddles and affection.
